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December4th, 2010


Black Pearl Fog City Starlet (Julka) was chosen as one of 25 top miniature poodles of year 2009 to participate in Prestigious 2010 AKC/EUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP at Long Beach, CA

We are very honored and proud , but unfortunately we cannot participate. BIG THANK YOU to BJ Bachman(owner of Julka) for entering us in the Catalog for Good memories :)

Results of this competition you can see here:

BP Fog City Starlet in Top 25 mini of the Country!

November 28th, 2010


San Joaquin Kennel Club,Stockton, CA

BOS and another point toward GCH under Judge Mr.Kenneth E.Berg

Best present for X-mas is something made by hands with Love and Care!
We started making our presents using our dog's hair. We hope you like our idea use poodle's hair: flted soap and nuno felted silk scarf ... Some of you will get them soon ;-).....

Felted soap nuno silk scarf

November 13-14th, 2010


Wine Country Kennel Club,Napa, CA

Select Boy(1 point) toward GCH under Judge Mrs.Sally L.Vilas

BOS (1 point) toward GCH under Judge Ms.Janet M.Allen

Fall Mushroom


October 31st, 2010


Are you seriouse ?.....

Halloween?Are you seriouse?....

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! ...Jack is ready to go trick or treating .....

Happy Halloween from Jack

October 22nd-23d, 2010

Jasenak Rock-N-Roll (Jack) at Poodle spesialty, Pleasanton, CA-shooting for Grand CH points !

We got Boy-Select under the Judge Ms. Patricia W. Laurans

October 16th, 2010

We got inspiration and made Jasenak Rock-N-Roll (Jack) from his OWN hair ...Felted poodles is our new hobby!

Jack made from his own hair...

Fall poodle ...




August 20th, 2010

Jasenak Rock-N-Roll (Jack) BayArea Hiker


May 27th-30th, 2010

Jasenak Rock-N-Roll (Jack) in Canada


On our first show"Vancouver Island Dog Fanciers Assoc "in Canada we got: First in class and Reserve Winners all 4 days under Judges:

Mr D Gaudin; Ms T Deptuch; Mr L Rogers; Mr D Markus


May 28th, 2010

New pictures of BlackPearl Rider On The Storm(Hershey)owened by Jule and Lee Smith,Denvill, CA

Hershey and Snickers (step brother)

April 18th, 2010

New pictures from Black Pearl Queen of the Highway(Maddie) owened by Sue and AJ Smith , San Diego, CA

Maddie and Ruby (her best friend)

Maddie and Ruby

March 20th, 2010

New pictures from Black Pearl Spanish Caravan (Sheba) owened by Marian and Colin Elliott, Newbury Park, CA

Sheba and Lola (her best friend and step mom)

March 19th, 2010


Tahoe blast





March 7th, 2010

BLACK PEARL RIDER ON THE STORM went to his new home in Denvill, CA with Jule and Lee Smith.


February 28th, 2010

BLACK PEARL SPANISH CARAVAN went to his new home in Newbury Park, CA with Marian and Colin Elliott.

February 20th,2010

BLACK PEARL MOONLIGHT DRIVE went to his new home in Elk Grove, CA with Brandon and Arlene Persinger.

BP moonlight drive

February 14th,2010

BLACK PEARL QUEEN OF THE HIGHWAY fly to her new home in San Diego, CA with Sue and AJ Smith.

Queens family

January 30/31st,2010

CH Jasenak Rock-N-Roll in Cow Palace , Daly City ,CA. We got Best of Opposite Sex Both days under Judges Miss Dolores (Dee) H. Maltz and Mr.Peter J.Green . Also we had wonderful time meeting old and new friends! Thank you for been with us!






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